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A wave of renegotiations announced for 2025

Why is 2025 a pivotal year?

In 2021, 4,070 company agreements on teleworking were signed, a figure ten times higher than in 2017. These agreements, often negotiated in the midst of a health crisis, were mostly fixed-term.

In 2025, these texts expire, marking an opportunity for revision for companies wishing to align their teleworking policy with current developments (source: DARES, 2022).

The impact of the health crisis on teleworking practices

Massive but heterogeneous adoption

During the pandemic, teleworking became essential, prompting many companies to quickly formalize agreements. Nearly 67% of the agreements on working conditions signed in 2021 concerned teleworking (source: DARES, 2022). These agreements were often adapted urgently, including clauses such as the right to disconnect and the provision of IT equipment.

A need to adapt to new realities

The arrangements made in 2021, such as the possibility of teleworking up to two days per week for 56% of agreements, must now be rethought to meet the growing expectations of employees, while taking into account organizational imperatives (source: DARES, 2022).

Key steps for a successful renegotiation in 2025

Analyze your existing agreements

To renegotiate effectively, conduct a thorough assessment of the strengths and limitations of your previous agreements.

Consider sector diversity

In 2021, sectors such as industry and scientific activities represented 20% of the agreements signed. However, increasing adoption in sectors such as commerce (+225% between 2019 and 2021) shows that teleworking now concerns a wide variety of companies (source: DARES, 2022). Adapt your negotiations to the specificities of your field of activity.

Why review your agreements now?

Promote fairness and productivity

According to DARES, 21% of the agreements signed in 2021 concerned companies with fewer than 50 employees, demonstrating a need for inclusivity in teleworking arrangements (source: DARES, 2022). Include clear eligibility criteria to avoid discrimination and ensure fair working conditions.

Meet the expectations of new generations

Today's employees value a better work-life balance. Options such as flexible teleworking, present in 64% of 2021 agreements, can be optimized to meet these expectations (source: DARES, 2022).

At Zenho, we know that an ergonomic work environment is essential for a successful teleworking experience. With our foldable desk , promote the transition between work and relaxation, thus contributing to the disconnection and well-being of employees.

Frequently asked questions about telework agreement negotiations in 2025

Why consider updating your telework agreements in 2025?

Why renegotiate your telework agreements in 2025?

The 2021 agreements are expiring, and their renewal is an opportunity to modernize your teleworking policy by taking into account legal developments and employee expectations (source: DARES, 2022).

What is the outcome of the teleworking agreements signed in 2021?

How many teleworking agreements were signed in 2021?

In 2021, 4,070 agreements were signed, marking a historic peak linked to the pandemic and the widespread adoption of teleworking (source: DARES, 2022).

What elements should be included in an effective telework agreement?

What are the key elements of a telework agreement?

A successful agreement must include: eligibility criteria, cost coverage, risk prevention, and provisions on the right to disconnect.

What are the teleworking options to favor in 2025?

What options for teleworking in 2025?

Companies must integrate flexible formulas, such as two days of teleworking per week, while providing evaluation and adaptation mechanisms (source: DARES, 2022).