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Teleworking, which has become a common practice, comes in several forms adapted to the needs of companies and employees. But what is the difference between regular teleworking and occasional teleworking ?

In this article, we will explore these concepts, presenting a clear definition of telework and concrete examples of its two main variants.

Teleworking: Definition and legal framework

What is teleworking?

Teleworking, according to the Ministry of Labor, refers to a work organization where an activity that can be carried out on the company's premises is carried out outside of them, using digital technologies.

There are several forms of teleworking , each meeting the specific needs of employees and companies. These options allow you to adapt to the constraints of daily life while ensuring productivity and well-being.

Why adopt teleworking?

  • Improving the quality of life at work.
  • Increased productivity and reduced transport times.
  • Optimization of the workspace in companies.

Regular teleworking : a long-term organization

Definition of regular telework

Regular telework refers to an organization planned within a formal framework, often included in a contract or amendment. This can concern several days per week, or even full-time, depending on the agreements concluded between the employer and the employee.

Benefits of regular teleworking for companies and employees

  • Better resource management through a fixed organization.
  • Creating a balance between working from home and being in the office.
  • Reduced workspace costs.

Practical example

An employee who teleworks every Tuesday and Thursday, according to a defined schedule, is practicing regular telework.

Occasional teleworking : flexibility adapted to unforeseen circumstances

Definition of occasional telework

Occasional teleworking is a perfect solution to manage unforeseen situations, such as strikes, transport problems or working from home. To take full advantage of this flexibility, it is essential to formalize a clear and precise teleworking request , even in an informal setting.

The conditions for implementing it

  • Prior agreement between the parties.
  • Absence of formal registration in the employment contract.

Advantages and limitations of occasional teleworking

  • Flexibility to manage unforeseen events.
  • Fewer administrative constraints.
  • Limited to a few days or hours.

Comparison : Regular telework VS occasional telework

Tableau Centré
Critères Télétravail régulier Télétravail occasionnel
Fréquence Régulière, inscrite dans le contrat Ponctuelle, selon les besoins
Cadre légal Formel, avec des règles établies Informel, flexible et adapté
Avantages Meilleure organisation et productivité Adapté aux situations imprévues
Exemples 2 jours/semaine fixes 1 jour exceptionnel pour imprévus

Choosing the type of teleworking that suits your needs

Whether you choose to work remotely regularly or occasionally, the important thing is to establish a clear framework to ensure effective collaboration. As leaders, facilitating the transition to these new forms of work can improve the well-being and productivity of your teams.

👉 Explore our professional equipment for teleworking , ideal for setting up a suitable workspace.

FAQ: Your questions about regular and occasional teleworking

What is the definition of teleworking?

How to define teleworking?

Teleworking is a work organization in which the employee carries out their missions outside the company premises, using digital tools.

What exactly does teleworking mean?

What is meant by teleworking?

It is a voluntary and flexible way of working, which adapts to the needs of companies and employees.

What are the three characteristics of teleworking?

What are the three characteristics of teleworking?

1. Carrying out missions remotely.
2. Use of information technology.
3. Prior agreement between the parties.

How to define regular teleworking?

What is regular telework?

It is a formalized organization, planned for the long term, which allows employees to work remotely on a recurring basis.

What does occasional teleworking consist of?

What is occasional teleworking?

This is a one-off practice, used to meet exceptional or unforeseen needs.

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